Sanna Maternity & Gynaec Hospital Maternity Unit cares for new mothers and their babies, and for women who require hospitalization during pregnancy. We help you and your family welcome your new baby and prepare for your new life together.
Post-Delivery Care Tailored to Meet Your and Your Baby’s Needs
Our staff partners with you and your family to provide a family-centered environment. We work closely with your obstetrician to provide you and your baby with the services you need. We:
• Provide care that meets your individual needs
• Answer your questions and help you and your new baby
• Encourage you to keep your baby at your bedside to promote bonding
Painless Delivery:
Dr. Gunjanbala Sahni ensures smooth and comfortable journey through Labor and Delivery – the most important and joyous event in a woman’s life.
Pregnancy is a wonderful and amazing experience for a woman. During the forty weeks of pregnancy the entire society will be concerned about her wellness. But this wonderful phase of a woman is usually filled with anxiety, apprehensions and innumerable questions. She develops misconceptions and fears regarding pregnancy especially, about labor pain and delivery.
At Sanna Maternity & Gynaec Hospital, we understand women and her unique problems during this period of her life. The first-time mothers are given proper antenatal counseling regarding good nutritious diet, antenatal exercises and physiology of labor pains. Our gynecologists spend enough time to prepare her about the labor and delivery.
Epidural anesthesia is an advance in pain management during labor, which ensures that a pregnant woman has a comfortable labor. It is a regional anesthesia in which an anesthetic drug is injected near the spinal cord in the spinal canal. This will facilitate the delivery of the baby without much associated pain and hence comfort to the mother.
Having Your Baby
Patients frequently quote about the comforting and expert care provided by Dr. Gunjanbala Sahni and her team, nurses and staff. Many mention our state-of the-art delivery suites, which are family-friendly and help you feel as comfortable and at-home as possible. We don’t just deliver babies, we help create families. From prenatal education to choice of childbirth, your family is as involved as you would like.
Painless Labor – It is a concept in which labour takes place easily, within short time, without any complications and bearable pain. Mother has to follow Asanas and Pranayam during pains to provide sufficient oxygen for her & Baby. It helps to descend the baby, facilitates process of normal delivery.